Finished Friday (August ‘24)

Welcome to Finished Friday!

So you’ve seen WIP Wednesday… here’s Finished Friday! This is the spiritual sequel to every month’s WIP update, where I hope to then showcase what I’ve finished, in whatever state in may be in. As with WIP Wednesday, I’m trying to get perfection out of the picture – what matters is the process and the reflection.

Unfortunately, towards the end of this month I had put all my projects on hold (knitting, printmaking and otherwise) as I felt an onset of carpal tunnel in my left wrist… it’s incredibly annoying as I’ve been very motivated lately but it’s best I rest it before it gets worse!


So it seems many of my knitting projects will have to stay WIPs for some time now but…

Rico Creative Melange Chunky Jumper 952

Here’s one I did finish! I FINISHED IT!

It’s really bad!!!

As mentioned, the gauge is totally off. This jumper now works as a sort of insane statement/fashion piece, like on the front cover of a runway magazine, but I do not see myself wearing this at all because the sleeves are so ginormous and impractical (lengthwise and widthwise). I’m just glad it’s over, honestly.

One day I’ll have the motivation to go back and rip out the sleeves and re-work them to be less ridiculously huge. As it stands, I don’t want to look at this project for a fair bit. So, I’ll leave this one for now, and maybe it’ll see a second life in a future WIP Wednesday…



Wheel Throwing

I collected my ceramics!

As you can see, everything is very tiny. But I’m really pleased with it all, especially since they’re my first wheel-thrown pieces in many years. They’re all a little wonky (some very much more than others!) and I’m somewhat surprised by how the glaze has come out on some too. However, I really love my little pieces and I am particularly enamoured with the small green bowl (shown second-to-last) which came out so even and glossy and pretty !

For future pieces, I would definitely like to make more usable kitchenware sets. The problem with wheel throwing is that I might veer towards perfectionism too much, so for this reason I think I’d also give handbuilding a go too.


WIP Wednesday (September ‘24)


More About… Animalia (Part 1)